Despicable Me 2

Image result for Despicable me 2

I think this movie is a light-hearted comedy, fun, and creative. It moves smoothly without the feeling of rush but yet entertaining and exciting to watch.

After done with being evil, Gru chose to be a good father. The children were so adorable and what was more interesting is that they all in love with Gru because of his honesty (of being evil but still have a kind heart).

Lucy, who is working for an organization to protect the world from evils, met Gru to ask for help. Gru refused at first but they eventually like each other.

The highlight of the film is hard to describe because it is a continuing fun, excitement, and laughter. I supposed the moment Gru sat in front of his house, feeling down with Agnes holding an umbrella for him.

“What’s wrong Gru”

“You told me that I like Lucy, you were right” “but now she has moved away”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“I don’t think so, darling”

“Is there anything you can do?”

A sudden, enlighten experience was occured to Gru. Instead of sitting in sadness, he decided to ask Lucy out.

A simple, kind heart and be powerful enough to help someone indirectly.

This film is worth watching.

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